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MERCEDES-BENZ Vario V170 Roadster - Capriolo (Brescia)



[Rif. 8688317]
La Mercedes V è stata l'auto Mercedes di maggior successo a cavallo delgli anni 30/40 anche per merito del suo affidabilissimo motore 4 cilindri...

La vettura veniva proposta in 9 diverse varianti ,dei quali la roadster è quella più rara.
Quest'auto in particolare fu consegnata nuova presso la Warner Bross company di New York a feb. del 1937 la quale lautilizzò per le riprese di alcuni Film , dopodichè venne  abbandonata negli studi di produzione per diversi anni.
Recuperata molti anni dopo da un noto aristocratico ungherese che la tenne per diverso tempi prese nova vita grazie ad un interminabile restauro che la portò ai vecchi fasti .
Acquistata all'asta da un grosso collezionista italiano all'inizio del 2000 quest'auto è tutt'ora in condizioni eccelse e presente una favolosa verniciata in  rosso dual tone (Tipico delle roadster)  con interni in pelle beige.

Attualmente ha percorso circa 13.000 Km ed è corredata di tutte le certificazioni di originalità necessarie.
ASI targa oro, perizia Mercedes ed attestati cronologici Americani aiutano a ripercorrerne la storia..

Although similar in appearance to competitors? products of the day, the 170 V held advanced engineering beneath the lines of its classic coachwork. Constructed on an oval tube chassis with independent suspension in the front and swing axle suspension in the rear, which would go nearly unchanged until the 1960s, the 170 V exhibited superior handling and ride in comparison to other marques of the day. The smooth-running, four-cylinder engine, which was mated to a four-speed transmission, gave a top speed of 108 km/h. A few of these chassis were graced with very attractive, open-topped bodies.Likely the most elusive and most desirable of all 170 V Mercedes produced is the roadster. It was considered the ?Jewel of the Line?, and approximately 300 total cars were produced with this body. It featured a folding windshield frame, side curtains, and a rear folding ?rumble seat?. As seen in this example, it is a sleek and very attractive design on a short chassis. This Roadster has been lovingly restored and boasts a number of attractive features. The red over light red body is accentuated with a soft black top, whilst the fresh interior is colour matched with cream material .Lifting the bonnet not only reveals a clean engine bay, but also cowl-mounted tools and jacking equipment.The spot lamps are mounted on both cowl sides just above the trafficators, and the rear of the body is highlighted by a proper metal-covered spare. Overall, each area of this rare example presents very well and will be appreciated by any viewer that understands the fine quality of a low production Mercedes-Benz.

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