Libero, veloce, amichevole

Soldatini in metallo - Marcianise (Caserta)



Tipologia : Militaria

Elenco Soldatini Del Prado

01) Caporal MP 9th Airorce USA 1944
02) Black Wach , Piper UK 1914
03) Medic 94th infantry division USA 1945
04) Infantry Sergent UK 1916
05) Warrant officer Afrikakorp Ger 1942
06) Lteut.Grenacter Guards (BEF) UK 1914
07) Paratrooper (Normandy) USA 1944
08) Naval infantry USSR 1941
09) Prussia Lieutenant Germany 1941
10) Soldier Japanese Army 1944-45
11) Seargent Army Commandos UK 1944-45
12) SS Officer Mountain Division Germany !944
13) SGT AirBorne Troose (Arnhem) 1914
14) Captain of thank France 1939-40
15) Sergent 6th Mariine Regt. USA 1917
16) Sergent of "Alpini" Italy 1940
17) Navy Seals USA
18) Caporal Foreign Legion Bir Hakeim (Libia)
19) Legionnaire French , Foreign Legion 1914
20) SS Panzergranadier Ardeness Germany 1944
21) Oberfeldwebel SKY-Jager Brigatte Germany 1943
22) CPL. Marines Guadaleonal USA 1942
23) Zouave 1 Regt. de Marche France 1914
24) RAF Fighter pilot UK 1940
25) Naik (Corporal) Gurkakhas UK 1941-42
26) Infantry Corporale (Verdun) France 1916
27) Infantry Man Ottoman Turkey 1914
28) Anonimo
29) Anonimo
prezzo in blocco €87,00

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