Libero, veloce, amichevole




Kurort Meran. Den festgästen der 77. Versammlung gewidmet

Book Description
Publication Date: 1905
Published by the Spa in Merano, Italy as a memento of the 77th gathering of German natural scientists and physicians, 1905. Softcover 11" tall, 72 pp PLUS 4 black pages, each with a watercolor tipped in; tightly bound with a gold-and light-blue tasseled cord passed through 3 holes. Text covers the topography and history of Merano, incl. its development as a spa resort. In German; fraktur print. A beautifully designed booklet, with each page of text bordered with a 10-mm wide decorative band in color; many different designs. Every right-hand page also has a different small (28x115mm) vignette drawing at the top and bottom. The decorative cover is decorated with a gold and pale-orange design. 50 euro

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