Libero, veloce, amichevole

(1279) manometro pneumatico televar per liquidi



Tipologia : Modernariato

The 90mm diameter dial can be adjusted for tanks of a lesser depth of 2 metres The gauge is top mounted on the lid of the tank and should ideally be located out of direct sunlight.

The large, readable dial (130mm scale) has a "tell tale" pointer to monitor water usage or rainfall collections, and can be supplied to suit a cylindrical tank either base or side mounted, as is common for gravity fed diesel storage on farms. A sensor is dropped into the tank and a spring loaded plunger displaces fluid, measures levels using the bubbler principle. The TELEVAR Gauge can be mounted up to 50 metres from the tank, above or below it, possibly inside a shed or the house. The indicator can be easily and regularly viewed so that you never run short again.

Both gauges come as a complete kit, ready to install. Installation should take less than 30 minutes. The housing of both gauges is made of hard resin, the float of the MECA gauge is Polypropylene. The TELEVAR kit comes with indicator, sensor, condensation trap and 50 metres of tubing.

MECA and TELEVAR Level Gauges are equally suited to water or diesel applications as well as some pesticides, oils etc. These gauges will measure the contents of a tank or drum as small as 200 litres, and as large as 5 meters in depth irrespective of diameter.

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